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Built Environment
Finance & Technology


The Challenge

Many studies confirm that people don't get enough sleep, with estimates of those affected ranging from 10% to 30%, or even as high as 50% to 60% in some cases. Insufficient sleep can lead to depression, poor work performance, accidents at work or while driving, and lower quality of life. People are struggling with inconsistent sleep schedules caused by a variety of factors. One of the most popular factors is an excess amount of blue light consumed shortly before going to bed.

The Solution

The product, technically, is a smart, highly automated, bed-side alarm clock that adjusts the quantity of blue spectrum lighting in the user’s bedroom, or, generally, in the user’s living environment, to trigger body’s natural wake-up and sleep cycles based on the biological response to the intensity of blue light. The focus is going to be set on (i) habituating the routine of going to bed by switching to product's little-to no blue light source for evenings and (ii) high level of automation.

We are looking for new team members with the following skills

We have a team of 3 people and we have already worked together for many years. In our experience, every time when we invited a new team mate, things started going downhill for the startup. Therefore, we are currently not looking for new team members. Though, we might soon be looking for an electrical engineering enthusiast to engineering a smart consumer product.

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