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Team info
Social Innovation
Digital & Internet


The Challenge

In developing countries with a huge population, due to micro management in governance systems, there are a lot of loopholes and gaps which constantly puts the citizens in peril. There is constant dissatisfaction among the citizens for their leaders. Most of the times, a lot of attempted developments are dysfunctional in the long run due to lack of proper implementation and ideation.

The Solution

Creating an app for the citizens in order to establish good governance and accountability from both the citizens' and the leaders' ends. The major goal is to ensure that the society is functioning smoothly without any inconveniences to the citizens and attempting to run the society inclusively. The application is an open platform for both the citizens and politicians to raise concerns and react to how the governance system plays in their respective localities and hence urging the authorities to come forward to solve the issues and ensure/attempt to solve issues in real time.

We are looking for new team members with the following skills

- Application Development - Smart Governance - Political Knowledge

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