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High Tech Systems & Materials
Med Tech


The Challenge

Exoskeletons are mechanical helping hands with widespread applications. They can improve our lives by preventing injuries, making us stronger, and assisting in rehabilitation. But something is preventing exoskeletons from taking over the world: people don't really want to wear them! Great technical innovations are being made in the field, but knowledge is missing on how to make exoskeletons more successful for their users. Figuring this out while developing products for the industry or the medical field is very expensive and time consuming, so we need new and better methods to improve exoskeletons.

The Solution

We are exploring new methods to improve exoskeletons. Learning to design better exoskeletons while operating in the industry, medical field, or households is expensive and time consuming, so we won't operate there! Instead, we make exoskeleton-like costumes with technical aspects while growing our exoskeleton expertise. This keeps us flexible and lean. However, making costumes is not the end goal; the end goal is building expertise in Human Centred Design of exoskeletons! This expertise is invaluable for creating more successful exoskeletons to make us all safer, stronger, and freer. In short, we develop disruptive methods for improving exoskeletons!

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